Book Review: ‘That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon’ by Kimberley Lemming (KU spicy cosy fantasy)

I’ve been seeing this book all over the place for months so when I finally relented and signed up to Kindle Unlimited (again), ‘That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon’ was one of the first books that I downloaded and I read it almost immediately. I’m so glad I did because it’s so much fun.

I’d heard that it was spicy (true), funny (also true), and cosy (also also true). It was also a super quick read that I devoured in two sittings, and then immediately downloaded the next two books in the series.

All I wanted to do was live my life in peace. Maybe get a cat, expand my spice farm. Really anything that doesn't involve going on a quest where an orc might rip my face off. But they say the Goddess has favourites. If so, I'm clearly not one of them.

After saving the demon Fallon in a wine-drunk stupor, all he wanted to do was kill an evil witch enslaving his people.

I mean, I get it, don't get me wrong. But he's dragging me along for the ride, and I'm kind of peeved about it. On the bright side, he keeps burning off his shirt.

I’m pretty new to monster romance - a demon/human romance is monster romance, right? Now I’m doubting myself… He’s mostly in human form with horns, but he does have a very cool demon form that appears later in the novel. Though there’s nothing romantic between them when he’s not in his human form. A quick Google has informed me of the following definition:

“Monster Romance encompasses any romance that features a main character/love interest that is decidedly not human. They can be an alien, mythical creature, dinosaur, cryptid, etc, but they are not and cannot pass as human.”*

Well. That’s that then. Not monster romance. Moving on.

I did struggle a little to accept the silliness of this at first. The protagonist is called Cinnamon, the drunkeness was a little overplayed and it just seemed a little…odd. But I persevered and by the time that Cinnamon and Fallon were on their quest, I was in. I’m a suck for ‘he falls first’ and it’s weirdly even more satisfying when he’s a super scary, super old demon who’s suddenly gone soft for a badass woman. That always leads to good smut and Kimberley Lemming didn’t disappoint on that front! There was a decent build up in their connection and relationship to get to that point and it felt natural for them.

Luckily, the plot was also developed and substantial too. There was some interesting world-building and I’m actually looking forward to the next instalment in the series to see what else we learn about the world and the creatures of this world.

‘That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon’ was a really fun interlude between some intense sci-fi reads and I really, really enjoyed it.

Written by Sophie

*‘Monster Romance 101’, Lawrence Public Library


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