Book Review: ‘The Fine Print’ by Lauren Asher (TikTok made me do it)

I'll hold my hands up and admit it. 'The Fine Print' by Lauren Asher is yet another book that social media made me buy.

The power of your peers, there's nothing quite like it as a marketing tool eh?

I didn't have high expectations for 'The Fine Print', and I think that was important because it's one of those books that is very much what you see is what you get.

A quick note on "seeing", because the covers for this series are so much fun! I think they tie in with other similar titles in the genre but the design was very well done. It was a big pull for me.

If you haven't read the blurb, here's what we're getting into:


I’m in the business of creating fairy tales. Theme parks. Production companies. Five-star hotels. Everything could be all mine if I renovated Dreamland.

My initial idea of hiring Zahra was good in theory, but then I kissed her. Things spiraled out of control once I texted her using an alias. By the time I realized where I went wrong, it was too late.

People like me don’t get happy endings.

Not when we’re destined to ruin them.


After submitting a drunk proposal criticizing Dreamland’s most expensive ride, I should have been fired. Instead, Rowan Kane offered me a dream job. The catch? I had to work for the most difficult boss I’d ever met.

Rowan was rude and completely off-limits, but my heart didn’t care. At least not until I discovered his secret. It was time to teach the billionaire that money couldn’t fix everything.

Especially not us.”

No, you don't need to rub your eyes and read it again because yes, this is basically Disney World. Which, as a proud Disney adult preparing to go on a Disney trip this book was PERFECT.

I started reading it on the plane and after a few reading sessions by the pool, I quickly finished it off. It's an easy book to whip through and that's definitely a plus.

If you're into spicy reads (check out some of our other spicy book lists) then be prepared for this book to be a bit of a failure to launch.

It's got a soft spice. A chicken korma rather than a beef madras, if you understand my Indian cuisine metaphors.

It's there. But it's not as in your face as something like Packing Around or Den of Vipers might be. And to be honest, that's a bit of a relief sometimes.

I liked the characters enough, and I appreciated the author's attempt to be diverse and inclusive, which is something this genre is often lacking.

'The Fine Print' follows the usual ups and downs, the ebb and flow, I'm used to from the genre, and it merrily trips through the same tried and tested tropes.

It's got a fun concept (hello, disney) and I'll be continuing with the series.

If you want a soft slow burn, something fun but also carrying enough dramatic weight.. then give it a go!

Will it shake your foundations? No. But it's satisfying. I gave it a solid 3/5.

Written by Sarah


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