Reviewing Leigh Bardugo's 'Six of Crows' with only six sub headings
This book has been sitting on my shelf for years and that is no exaggeration. I can't even say why because Leigh Bardugo is an auto-buy author for me, and I've yet to find something of hers that I don't love.
Perhaps it was apprehension. I adore the Grisha trilogy, and to enter into another series in the same world… there's always a worry it will pale in comparison.
Also, it's big. Anything over 300 pages feels like a serious commitment to me. I'm a slow reader and it worries me that I'll get lost inside something lengthy.
But here we are! It's 2021 and I finally did it. Obviously it's a five star read, so any normal kind of review would have been boring. Also, by this point, hasn't everyone already read and reviewed this book?
So I'm going to do it a little differently. If I may.
Here's my thoughts on 'Six of Crows' by Leigh Bardugo, in six subheadings.
SPOILER ALERTS (also, I haven’t read ‘Cooked Kingdom’ at the time of writing this, so don’t spoil me either!)
The Play that Goes Wrong
Have you seen any of those performances? I love The Play that Goes Wrong, it's hilarious and there are some aspects to 'Six of Crows' that feels like it's a play that has gone wrong, in the best possible way.
The heist narrative is often too perfectly executed, too polished, too concerned with looking smooth and badass.
What I love about Kaz and his crew is that things go tits up, and often there is a back up plan, but also there sometimes isn't. There is a very human element to that, and that vulnerability is what I think wins people over.
There is also an Ocean's vibe to it (pick your fave, mine personally is Ocean's 8) where Kaz, for the most part, is one step ahead of the game. It's so much fun as a reader to watch it all unfold, thinking how they can't possibly get themselves out of this one and then boom. There's the next clever twist. I mean, hats off to Bardugo because that's some clever shit.
It’s not NOT the whole plot…
Jesper and Wylan
Need I say anything more? Good. I'm glad we're both on the same page. We stan.
I mean… I literally laughed out loud when actual tanks appeared on the page. I love this. Partly because I love tanks (military paraphernalia is just so interesting! The things we create to destroy and/or evade other humans. Fascinating, really) and partly because it was so unexpected.
There's almost an unwritten code as to what kinds of tech and such can appear in these kinds of fantasy books and tanks aren't one of them.
Hell, they are now. Strap yourself in, boys!
You Were Only Supposed to Blow the Bloody Doors Off
See: Tanks.
But also, I love that things were being blasted to smithereens left, right and centre. There aren't enough explosions in fantasy books imho.
The fact that they required a demo specialist on the team made my day.
Back rolls?
The depth of character, and that counts for every character, was outstanding. The quick visits we made into different character back stories and motivations, I loved that.
Standouts were Kaz (because yeah, I'd wear gloves too. And that ending with Inej KILLED me). The whole Nina and Matthias saga. And also the mystery surrounding Wylan, and why he left home. That was a great reveal.
Quote Me on That
Bardugo's writing is phenomenal, so it comes as no surprise that it is highly quotable. Here's some faves:
“It's not natural for women to fight."
“It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand.”
Nina and Matthias at their sassiest.
“When everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.”
Kaz through and through.
“Many boys will bring you flowers. But someday you'll meet a boy who will learn your favourite flower, your favourite song, your favourite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart.”
Inej’s father imparting some wonderful wisdom.
Have you read 'Six of Crows'? Do you have a favourite quote?