Podcast Trailer and Intro!

Well, it’s here! We’re so excited to bring to you a small taste of what’s to come. If Dark Academia books are your thing then you are in the right place. Available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Follow us now to listen later when each episode drops!


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“Welcome to The Dark Academicals, the podcast where we delve into the mythos of dark academia one book at a time.

I’m Sophie Waters,

And I’m Sarah Purnell.

We’re both veteran book bloggers, readers and English Literature and Creative Writing graduates. We also run the books and travel blog Books, Burgers and Backpacks together.

With four degrees between us, we have a lot of fondness for the university environment and are always looking for an excuse to flex our academic muscles.

Though we have no murders, big scandals or dark, dark secrets in our past, it sometimes feels like the Dark Academia genre was made for us. The settings, the atmosphere and the aesthetics call to us like no other genre out there at the moment, and as the aesthetic has grown into a full-blown genre, what defines a Dark Academia novel has grown with it.

Every fortnight we’ll be exploring a novel that either commonly or controversially falls under the umbrella of dark academia, but don’t worry if you’re not too clear on what that means yet, we’ll explain everything along the way.

The podcast will examine what identifies a novel as dark academia, how the book fits among its peers and the genre, as well as our own thoughts and feelings about the novel itself. We will discuss the politics, culture and aesthetics of the genre and even touch on its sister genres, such as light and romantic academia, and how they contrast and align with their more famous counterpart.

As much as we are enthusiastic about dark academia as a subject, we want to make it as balanced as possible and we won’t shy away from the valid criticisms of any of the books that we discuss, as well as the genre itself.

Some of the books that we choose might surprise you, but every book featured on the podcast displays at least one or more of the many facets of how dark academia manifests itself within literature.

We’re so excited to branch out into the dark and murky world of scandal-rife universities, libraries full of secrets, and a whole lot of moodiness, and we hope that you’ll join us along the way.”


Episode 1.1: An Introduction to Dark Academia


Coming Soon…