18 books I want to read before the end of 2023 (and a sneak peek at how I plan my reading)

It’s early September and I’m on target to meet my Goodreads challenge this month, completing it around 3.5 months early. This hasn’t happened to me in YEARS and I’m really very excited and proud about the whole thing.

Proof, in case you don’t believe me:

You can creep on my Goodreads here.

I’m averaging around 12 books a month this year so when I meet my target I can still cram in a ton more books, which si good because I can’t stop buying Kindle books…

I really went off TBRs a few years ago, but I brought it back this year, keeping a running list in my phone which I added to, removed from or switched around without any guilt or pressure and having that in my back pocket has really helped. Especially when it comes to getting to NetGalley proofs and factoring in reading for the podcast (which you can check out right here).

Do you want a sneaky peek at my working September TBR?

I know that you’re thinking, ‘Wait, that’s more than 12 books!’ and you would be completely correct. For some reason, having more books on the list than I can actually read gives me more options and also takes away the pressure when I inevitably don’t get to them all.

Even with my current September TBR, that leaves me 3 more months of 2023 and a potential 36 books so I’ve been thinking about what I really, really, really want to get to before the year is over. There’s some books I need to read and I also want to leave some wiggle room for surprises and new purchases so I’ve compiled a Master TBR List if you will of 18 books that I’d still like to get read this year.

Do you have a list of what you’d like to get read for the rest of the year? Are you a maker of TBRs?

Written by Sophie


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